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Can seasonal allergies and hay fever affect your mouth?

Can seasonal allergies and hay fever affect your mouth?

Will my mouth be affected by hay fever and allergies? Seasonal allergies and hay fever are typically associated with nasal and respiratory symptoms such as sneezing, congestion, and itchy, watery eyes. Nevertheless, most people are unaware that these allergies can also unleash their wrath on the mouth and oral cavity....

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Dental Implants Abroad

Dental Implants Abroad: Is There a Risk?

Most people who would consider this will be doing so for a week or two in the sun, but some may be exploring cosmetic dental treatments, with dental implants being the most popular. Cost is one reason people select this alternative. You've probably noticed ads promoting cheaper tooth implants than...

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Oral piercings and oral health

Oral Piercings and Oral Health

Oral piercings, which are defined as a piercing of the tongue, lip, or other portion of the mouth, are becoming increasingly fashionable. In the event that your son or daughter want to have an oral piercing (or perhaps you yourself wish to have one!) Here is a list of things...

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Cleaning Dentures

Cleaning Dentures – What You Need to Know

Dentures can make a world of difference in your overall health and state of wellbeing. But once your dentist has put in those dentures, the next step to focus on is, naturally, to maintain them. Unfortunately, many people are ill-prepared when it comes to properly caring for and cleaning their...

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Braces – Everything you Need to Know

Braces are a highly effective way of straightening teeth and giving patients the smile they want. Braces offer confidence and a long-term solution to crooked teeth and have been used successfully for many years. While it is most common for children to use braces, many adults successfully have this form...

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Gum disease

What is Gum Disease?

We’re all familiar with the basic concepts of gum disease, in that it bears a fairly descriptive title, but few of us know what it really is, how it works, and most importantly, how we can prevent it. At Langley’s Dental Practice, we get asked about gum disease fairly often,...

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Everything You Need to Know About Periodontitis

At Langley’s Dental Centre, we get a lot of questions about periodontitis from our clients. So we thought it might be helpful to create this article that will hopefully clear up any questions and misunderstandings you might have about this particular affliction and the appropriate treatment. So what exactly is...

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How to care for your veneers

How To Make Veneers Last Longer

Langley's Dental is the best place to visit when you want great, long-lasting veneers. Investing in unique covers is the best thing to do because you will have your smile till the day you die, and who doesn't like a fantastic smile? The way you maintain your natural teeth so...

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